Stuart Meyer, Israeli Dance Teacher

Stuart Meyer is always excited to bring Israeli dance to the Joseph and Florence Mandel Jewish Day School and has been teaching since 2013. Stuart also directs the all new Mandel JDS Israeli Dance Festival each year at Yom Ha'atzmaut. Stuart has been teaching and leading Israeli dance throughout the Northeast Ohio area for over 25 years, including weekly classes at the Mandel Jewish Community Center of Cleveland. Stuart has danced professionally with the Shalhevet International Folk Ensemble (’81-’93), Csárdás Dance Company (’94-’04), and Dance Israeli! ('06-'18). Appearances include Cleveland Opera, Playhouse Square, Cleveland Playhouse, Cleveland Convention Center, Beck Center for the Arts, WJW Morning Exchange, Fox Morning Show, Cleveland Museum of Art, Budapest Hungary, and the Karmiel Festival (Karmiel, Israel). In 2006 he founded Dance Israeli! and serves as its’ Artistic Director. When not dancing, Stuart is an engineer and holds degrees in Engineering & Applied Science (B.S) from Caltech and in Biomedical Engineering (M.S.) from C.W.R.U.