We Lead the Way for Project-Based Learning

Integrated Project Based Learning (IPBL) is an educational method that focuses on interdisciplinary studies, learning by doing, and authentic connections between material learned in school and the “real world” community that exists outside the school’s walls.

In an IPBL unit, students will begin with a complex, open-ended question that will drive their learning (i.e. “How can we use electricity to help a community in need?). Then, in each of their classes, students will work to answer this question through the lens of that subject area. Once students have gained the knowledge they need to answer the question, teachers implore the students to use that knowledge to make a difference in the school community, the Jewish community, or even the Cleveland community at large through a large-scale authentic project.

Joseph and Florence Mandel Jewish Day School implemented IPBL into its curriculum close to 10 years ago and has now become a leader in this teaching method. Mandel JDS has held IPBL Institutes to pave the way for other educators.